Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para walk up en español


walk up verb

unfavorite favorite
acercarse, dirigirse

walk verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
walked, has walked, is walking, walks
recorrer, caminar; andar, pasear; acompañar; ir andando, ir a pie; darle base por bolas (a un bateador); sacar a pasear (a un perro)

Ejemplos de uso de
walk verb

  • Is your grandson walking yet?
  • He walks home from school every day.
  • It's not far; you can walk there in five minutes.
  • It was a while after the accident before she could walk again.
  • He walked away without saying goodbye!
  • She turned and walked away from him.
  • The driver walked away from the accident unharmed.
  • They walk around the neighborhood every morning for exercise.
  • We walked around the city all day seeing the sights.
  • He walked to the store.
  • A robbery suspect walks after the prosecution failed to prove his guilt.

Sinónimos de
walk verb

Traducción inversa para walk up

acercarse  - to approach, to draw near 
dirigirse  - to go towards, to speak to, to address 
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